"Belongingness" - the overlooked gem of networking. The ONLE Networking Show ep10 with Nisha Haq.

Nisha Haq of Iggy & Lime joins James and Kierney to chat about the importance of connection for mental health, AKA 'belongningness (phrase courtesy of Mr Paul Hill). Plus, in one of the most personal chats yet, Nisha talks about the experience of being a young woman of colour in business and how she has cultivated the ultimate personal brand to attract the right customers to her business.

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Show notes
This month we asked our members about what networking means to them in a word and we were thrilled with the responses of ‘connection’, ‘camaraderie’, ‘support’. Powerful words like ‘friendship’ and ‘community’ were used and our much loved member Paul Hill summed it up perfectly with ‘Belongingness’.

James was particularly touched by this, since networking for him has always meant more than just business and was a tool that truly helped him during a period of struggling with mental health. Nisha seconded this with the key phrase “It’s integral to human nature to feel like we belong somewhere” and admits that networking has provided such a space for her since starting her new business.

Kierney’s networking gem: “Paying attention pays off”
As your network grows to include different areas and cultures across the globe it becomes increasingly important to be present in your conversations and not assume that everyone interacts in the same way. Whether this means limiting your external distractions, having conversation prompts prepared or resources for taking notes throughout it is crucial to give your undivided attention to each connection. These principles apply across the board from one-to-ones to social media and email interactions. Finally, it is your responsibility to foster these new connections by taking time to check back in, remembering topics discussed previously and not being too quick to judge individuals.

Conclusion: At the core of networking a valued sense of community and provides a place to go to feel less alone - with the added benefits of bettering your business!

Give Nisha a follow: https://www.instagram.com/iggyandlime/?hl=en, https://www.linkedin.com/in/nishahaq/


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