"If you want an engaged audience, engage your audience." The ONLE Show ep9 with Tam and Sean Goldmsith

It's a first for the ONLE Show as we welcome two guests: the dynamic husband and wife duo Tam and Sean Goldsmith of Groe Global

Kelly West makes her co-hosting come back, joining James and our guests to discuss why most businesses fail to engage their audience online, the opportunities which UK business owners are lucky to have, and discover some amazing South African lingo.

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Show notes
Engagement and likes:
This month we talked about social media - engagement versus posting following our ONLE Talks education with James Gayle. We’re pleased to report that the majority of members are doing more of the former. The penny is dropping - you can’t build an engaged audience without engaging your audience! And you can’t build engagement by posting marketing material.

Social media engagement wisdom from the ONLE members:
Margarida Holden: “I use social to build relationships. I’d alienate people if I continuously posted about gas and electricity!”

Tom Perkins: “I asked someone who sent me a connection request to tell me more about themselves. They replied “have you read my bio?” There are too many people connecting with no interest in talking or tripping over themselves when you do suggest talking. Why do they connect in the first place?

Rachael Wall: “I’ve noticed the more I engage with other people’s content, the more engagement I get on my own posts”. 

Kate Chastey: “I’ve culled LinkedIn so I now have a feed of people I want to hear from and engage with. And it changed for me when I stopped using it to market my business and instead as a social networking platform.”

Kelly’s networking gem: how to have a good one-to-one. “Do some homework, people will appreciate you taking the time to learn about them. Give them an example of who you helped and how. Ask how you can best help them.” And a special mention for Simon Rogers for this great question to ask": “what’s the one thing would you like to learn or get from our chat today”.

Tam Goldsmith: “Show a bit of vulnerability. You can tell if the other person will go with you and then it builds layers into the relationship.” 

Sean Goldsmith: “Ask people what they need and give them every opportunity to sell at you - it will help them to test it on you. And know how to answer the question: how can I help you?”

Conclusion: Ultimately - if you want an engaged audience, engage your audience!

Give Tam and Sean a follow: https://www.instagram.com/groe_global/, https://www.linkedin.com/company/groe-global/


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