Is Steven Barlett right about networking? The ONLE Show ep6 with Yvonne Guérineau

Kelly and James are joined by Yvonne Guérineau from Dynamic Perspective Consulting to chat about the skill of building relationships and challenge Steven Barlett's assertion that people shouldn't network.

There's more wisdom from the ONLE members as they share their advice for building relationships online, plus Kelly's networking gem is about showing some vulnerability - not a topic you’d typically associate with Kelly!

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Show notes

• Ellcie Moore was inspired by Gaz Morgan’s workshop and listening to Naomi’s ONLE Talk about building a business that accounts for three intelligences: mind, heart, gut. She has a post-it note: “is this right for me?”

Last month, we talked about using LinkedIn to build a global network following our ONLE Talks education with Alice Fewings and we has great feedback at the meetings:

Alan Braithwaite
“99% of our business relationships come from social media and networking, we’ve hardly met anyone in person”.

Denyse Whiller
“LinkedIn has taken me a while. But since I’ve been more active and social, I’ve had conversations which have led to enquires.”

Sas Soubhi
“Through LinkedIn, I’ve made connections that have led to me getting business in Petersham, Peckham, and Peru.”

Alice Fewings
“Continuing the conversations with people you’ve met at networking means you’re not just seeing them once per month."

Andy Taylor-Whyte
“Connections I’ve not spoken to for years are now engaging on my posts”

Chris Mansfield
“If you send a personalised message that describes a genuine reason why you want to connect with someone, 99% of the time they accept”. Even if life is a bit crap, be upbeat and smile when you network online and have 121s. There’s nothing worse than being on a call with someone who does want to be there. So - prepare to be happy!”

Gary Morgan
“I prefer speaking so I use the voice memo function on LinkedIn to build relationships - the fact that’s it’s different to the usual text means it stands out and the engagement is fantastic.”

Zack Raven
“LinkedIn helps me develop the connections I make at networking - I connect with them on LinkedIn, continue the conversation there, have a 121 and the trust this builds leads to sales enquiries.”

Richard Hiron
“I don’t use it as a sales platform, I use it to build relationships”.

Steven Barlett tells people not to network
Steven Bartlett doesn’t network. He advises people not to network: build a personal brand instead and use online platforms to network: “I use other ways to expand my network. Flocking around a room introducing myself is exhausting. There’s a more scalable way of to network which is adding value or using the Internet which I’ve always done.”

In other words: he’s telling you to network. Just not in a traditional way. So why say: “don’t network”?
Kelly: “People tend to be more open with me online.” Yvonne: “it provides structure, in your diary. Learn from others” - you need to learn the craft of networking.  Notice the audience reaction to rethink your message. You can have conversation online, but they are siloed conversations, there’s no community without a networking community. Meeting people at networking gives you permission to engage. “I can do that blind on LinkedIn - but suspicion will be there.”


Why most business social media fails. The ONLE Show ep7 with James Gayle


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