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ONLE Morning Mastermind

ONLE Morning Mastermind is our monthly discussion group.

An easy-going and inclusive gathering hosted on Zoom. The session brings together like-minded business owners and leaders of businesses of all types and sizes, to network and share ideas around a different key topic each month, all led by an expert guest chair.

Meeting time:
Second Friday of the month, 08:30 - 10:00 (UK time)

When: Friday 12th May 2023, 08:30 (UK time)

Guest speaker: Tom Cleary (Train Your Mind)

Title: Digital Wellbeing

Topic details and takeaways: Is the technology in your life supporting your wellbeing and success … or doing the opposite? And how does all of this impact our businesses and our personal lives? Tom Cleary will lead this ONLE Morning Mastermind discussion, looking at the science behind notification overload, how social media impacts our self-esteem, and how we can use digital resources to support our wellbeing and reduce burnout.

ONLE Masterclass
from £0.00
11 May

Bournemouth and surrounding areas

15 May

Winchester and surrounding areas Group 1